Belgium in Croatia Contact our Embassy in Zagreb Contact details, opening hours, closing days and access map of our Embassy in Zagreb. About us Who's who and jurisdiction of our Embassy in Zagreb. Honorary consulates in Croatia All practical information about our honorary consulates in Croatia. Consular services In this section, you will find information about your registration, how to apply for an identity card or passport, etc. Legalisation of documents On this page, you will find all the information on how to legalise a document. Travelling in Croatia and Bosnia-Herzegovina All the useful information if you are travelling to Croatia or Bosnia-Herzegovina. Travel to Belgium or Luxembourg All information for those wishing to come to Belgium or Luxembourg. Links about Croatia Links to useful websites about Croatia. SOLVIT, mediation for administrative problems in Europe Information about SOLVIT, the online mediation network set up by the European Commission. Visa for Belgium of Luxembourg Information on applying for a visa for Belgium or Luxembourg. More information Contact our Embassy in Zagreb Contact details, opening hours, closing days and access map of our Embassy in Zagreb. Dutch language and cultural studies Focus on Belgium Job and internship offers
Contact our Embassy in Zagreb Contact details, opening hours, closing days and access map of our Embassy in Zagreb.
Consular services In this section, you will find information about your registration, how to apply for an identity card or passport, etc.
Legalisation of documents On this page, you will find all the information on how to legalise a document.
Travelling in Croatia and Bosnia-Herzegovina All the useful information if you are travelling to Croatia or Bosnia-Herzegovina.
SOLVIT, mediation for administrative problems in Europe Information about SOLVIT, the online mediation network set up by the European Commission.